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Whale Wonder is a creative collective exploring the mysterious depths of love and freedom through the practice of community-making all over the world.

Whale Wonder dreams of a global convergence of free and loving communities to birth a free and loving world. We call those communities: Whales.

 Featured Artist: Elela

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel below

…where we will be sharing more about our work and play

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Our Purpose Compass

Shaping the Architecture of WHALES: Free and Loving CommunitIES

We support the creation of Whales (Free and Loving Communities) all over the world through our Purpose Compass - a sacred, strategic, creative, nature-based navigational system we’ve developed over the last decade through the gathering of ancestral and modern day metaphysical medicine - to guide our way back home to ourselves, to each other and to our Earth.

Interested in working with us? Reach out!